Boost your puppy’s education to the next step at Canine Training School in Cairns. Young dogs undertake a four-week obedience course to learn on-lead skills and improve their responsiveness to basic commands in a group training environment. When you take your pet out to socialise, distractions from other dogs can play a major role in undermining your command. Take control of your young dog’s training with this course.
Learn to use positive reward training correctly. Owners and dogs grow together as we prepare young dogs for off-lead work. I will help with emerging behavioural issues before they become habitual problems.
Wednesday evenings: 6.15 – 7.15pm
Saturday mornings: 9.15 – 10.15am
Cost: $120
Strengthen the working relationship between you and your adolescent dog. Enjoy training your dog and learning together as you reach a mutually rewarding partnership. This course is aimed at pups who have completed
puppy pre-school or young dogs over six months old. Train your dog to be responsive to your commands at a young age and enjoy a rewarding lifestyle with your beloved pet as they grow up.
Adolescent dog training is designed to:
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